Wednesday, February 19, 2025

RELEASE BLITZ - CONTEMPORARY - A SCORING CHANCE (Portland Timberwolves, #1) by A.J. Alexander

Just one smile from her sets my entire world ablaze.
A Scoring Chance, an all-new small town, interracial, hockey romance from USA Today bestselling author AJ Alexander is now available!

Keep Reading for a look inside A Scoring Chance!
I lay on the horn before sticking my head out the window and shouting, “Can you move a little faster? Some of us have places to be.”
“Are you expecting them to answer you?” a voice says, startling me.
“That would be terrifying,” I respond quickly, before turning toward the voice.
A woman sits atop a chocolate brown roan, the reins held loosely in her right hand as they stroll closer to my window. She looks at home in the saddle with a pair of aviator sunglasses resting on her cheeks, barely covering the tinge of pink under her golden-brown skin. Her hair hangs around her shoulder, twisted into long locks that look more like braids. There are a few golden clasps affixed to a few of them, placed strategically throughout her hair to draw in someone’s attention. And draw me in they did. Everything about her is calling to me, pulling me toward her in a way I’ve never felt with another human being. Okay, this isn’t good at all. The last thing I need right now is a distraction, even in the form of a beautiful woman.
I squint my eyes slightly as I lean forward, trying to place her face. I’m not the best with names, but I always remember a face. Surprisingly, I’m unable to place hers. It’s not uncommon for someone to move to Redwood Falls for a chance to get away from the city, but it doesn’t happen very often, especially without the whole town talking about it.
“Didn’t your momma teach you it's impolite to stare?” she quips as her horse pushes its nose through the space, rubbing against my hand.
“Hello, sweet girl,” I whisper, my eyes locked on her as I run my hand down the horse’s nose. “I don’t have anything good in here for you to eat, but if you ask your rider, maybe I can bring you some apples tomorrow.”
“She loves apples.” The corner of her mouth quirks up into a small smile before she continues. “The last of them should cross soon. Sorry for the holdup. All the locals know to stay off this road around lunchtime. The herd always crosses around this time.”
“Thanks for the information,” I respond with a smile.
It’s rare that I can go anywhere, let alone back home, and no one recognizes me. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before this beauty hears from someone that Cooper Hendrix has come home, but for now, I’m going to enjoy the anonymity.
“No problem. I’d stay away from here around dinnertime, as well. We will be on our way back before the sun goes down.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind for the future…” My voice trails off. I’m hoping she’ll give me her name, but she says nothing, just a glimpse of her smile before she turns away from me toward the fold.

My Review of A SCORING CHANCE (Portland Timberwolves, #1) . . . HERE

Start reading today!
FREE in Kindle Unlimited

Add A Scoring Chance to Goodreads:

For more information about AJ Alexander and her books, visit her website:

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Monday, February 17, 2025



High Density
High Mountain Trackers HMT 2G, #3
by Freya Barker 
Release Date: February 17th 2025 
Genre: Romantic Suspense 

When I get to her place, I dig through the back seat of my truck to find something cleaner to wear than the clothes I have on now. I dig up a sports bag that must’ve been in there for a couple of months, since I haven’t been to the gym in at least that long. But at least it holds a pair of clean socks, a shirt, and some sweats that smell better than the jeans I have on. I didn’t realize how foul I reeked until the beautiful aroma from the pizza was overwhelmed by the smell of cow shit. No way I can eat smelling like this. Using Janey’s bathroom—which is permeated by her scent—is the worst kind of torture. I briefly contemplate polishing one off in the shower, but decide against it. Instead, I turn the faucet to cold for a few minutes before I step out. Janey is on her couch, her feet tucked under her as she’s watching the news on TV. The pizza and iced teas, along with a couple of plates and napkins, are waiting on the coffee table. “Unless you want to sit at the table?” she asks when I walk in. “Not particularly.” I drop down beside her. “You could’ve started without me,” I suggest. “You weren’t that long,” she returns, reaching to flip open the pizza box. My stomach rumbles loudly as she loads three pieces on a plate and hands it to me, before serving herself. I was wrong; sitting next to Janey as she moans through her first tastes of a cheesy bratwurst pizza has to be the worst kind of torture by far.


My Review of HIGH DENSITY (High Mountain Trackers: HMT 2G, #3) . . . HERE


Purchase/Pre Order the rest of the series!!


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Monday, January 20, 2025

TOUR - WOMEN'S FICTION - FORGET ME NOT (Women of Boone County, #3) by Julieann Dove

Forget Me Not
Women of Boone County, #3
by Julieann Dove
 Release Date: January 21st 2025

Amazon | Goodreads


“You want a Cosmo?” Campbell asked Sadie.

“Actually, I’ll have a cranberry juice, straight up.”

The woman looked up from her pad, questioning her with her eyes.

“Okay,” Campbell said, interrupting the ensuing question from the waitress. “I’ll have a Coors.”

She looked back at Sadie before she left the table.

“So you’re not drinking tonight?”

“Giving it up for Lent.” She folded the tiny cocktail napkin the woman left behind.

“You’re not even Catholic.”

“Yeah, well, that might change, too.”

The music was certainly bluesy that night. Campbell noticed a man in the corner. He was swaying his head, with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. His eyes were closed, feeling the music deep in his soul.

“So, how was your first week? Did it all come back to you?” He rested his elbows on the table. It was all he could do not to reach across and pull a stray hair from the middle of her forehead. But then that would lead to touching her cheek. Then that would lead to bending across the table and kissing her. Something she wouldn’t understand.

“Yeah, pretty much. You see one naked ass, you’ve seen them all.”

He let out a laugh. The woman reappeared with their drinks. Sadie’s was bright red and filled a medium glass. His was a longneck. A frosted mug accompanied it.

“So true.” He poured the cold elixir down his throat. It felt as if it were setting off sparks as it crawled down to his stomach. A great end to a busy day. And now to be sitting across the table with Sadie made it the best.

Sadie began to sway in her chair to the song that was playing. Without giving thought to how she’d react, he stood and pulled her out to the small dance floor. He couldn’t take not being able to touch her any longer. They were going to share it with three other couples. Slow-moving couples. Maybe dirty dancers, if the lights were brighter and he could see better.

She fought at first, shaking her head no. But he insisted, pulling her harder. The song was “These Arms of Mine.” The words couldn’t have been more fitting to how he felt for her. He wrapped his arms around her tight and began to sway. Her body felt so good…so perfect next to his.

She went to say something the same time he moved his head to look at her. She ended up at his cheek. Her lips brushed against it. They stopped for a brief second, a half inch of space between their faces. His eyes focused on her lips. The ones he’d watch getting slathered with lip gloss in the break room that day, longing to be the wand in the tube. Slowly, he leaned in and kissed her. It was second nature. He wasn’t sure whether she closed her eyes. It ended quickly.

Like the song. “I’ve Been Loving You Too Long” came on next, not allowing for any silence in the dance area. Her eyes didn’t leave his for what seemed a whole chorus of Otis belting out the soulful tune.

She moved her head back to his shoulder, laying her cheek flat against it. His body radiated heat from what just happened…from feeling her breast pressed against his chest. How could he get rid of the extra warmth before she sensed the temperature change?

They remained dancing until the song ended and she pulled away. They went back to the table and sat down without saying a word.

“I’ve got to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

He nodded.

©Forget Me Not, Julieann Dove, NerdyBirdBooks 2025

Amazon | Goodreads

The Women of Boone County Series

Coming Home | To Have and Let Go | Forget Me Not

"If you haven't discovered Julieann Dove's books, start right now with Coming Home, the first book in her latest series. It's filled with the complex characters and small-town charm I love." -Sherryl Woods, New York Times #1 bestselling author of The Sweet Magnolias and Chesapeake Shores series.

My Review of FORGET ME NOT (Women of Boone County, #3) . . . HERE


Enter to win one of three ebook copies of Coming Home, book one in the Women of Boone County series. Open Internationally to anyone 18 years or older. Giveaway ends January 29, 2025.

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Sunday, December 15, 2024


Challenge Details

Runs January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. You can join at any time.

The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to more audios in 2025 than you did in 2024.

Books must be in audio format (CD, MP3, etc.)

All genres count.

Re-reads and crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed.

You do not have to be a book blogger to participate; you can track your progress on Goodreads, Facebook, etc. I recommend creating a shelf on Goodreads titled 2025 Audiobook Challenge. You can keep track and link the shelf.

Grab the button and do a quick post about the challenge to help spread the word. You can post on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, BlueSky, Threads, Mastodon, your blog etc. about the challenge.

Updates plus a giveaway will be posted twice during the year. The first update will be July 5, 2025, and the last update will take place on December 27, 2025. You’ll have one week to link up and share your progress and enter giveaway

Achievement Levels
What level will you choose?

  • Newbie (I’ll give it a try) 1-5
  • Weekend Warrior (I’m getting the hang of this) 5-10
  • Stenographer (can listen while multitasking) 10-15
  • Socially Awkward (Don’t talk to me) 15-20
  • Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you) 20-30
  • My Precious (I had my earbuds surgically implanted) 30+
  • Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands) 50+
  • Over-Achiever (Power Listener) 75+
  • The 100 Club (Audiobook Addict) 100+
  • I Can’t Hear You (earbuds always in) 125-150
  • Audibly Addicted (listening to all the books 24/7) 150+

The Book Junkie Reads . . . Listening goal will be Audibly Addicted with all new reads and/or new authors only. No repeats this year's challenge.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

RELEASE BLITZ - CONTEMPORARY LGBTQ+ - EASTON (The Swift Brothers, #2) by Riley Hart

He makes me want more.

Easton, an all-new opposites attract, small town, M/M romance and the second book in The Swift Brothers Series from bestselling author Riley Hart is now available!


Keep Reading for a look inside Easton!

I hate having to call Morgan and tell him I’ve been arrested. He just came back to Birchbark this summer because our dad had a stroke. He has enough on his plate dealing with a father who wants to control him and Rhett, but who wants nothing to do with me. And Morgan’s complicated relationship with Rhett isn’t much easier. Morgan’s finally starting to be happy—has admitted his feelings for his best friend, Dusty, whom he’s probably been in love with since before I was born, and they’re together.

The last thing he needs to deal with is me.

I’m the last thing anyone should have to deal with.

Still, I call because it’s not me I need him to take care of. It’s my dog, Pretty Girl.

“Hello?” Morgan answers, voice rough with sleep.

“I got arrested. I’m fine. I just need you to go take care of Pretty Girl in the morning. She’s gonna need out, and I don’t want her to be alone.”

“What about you?” Morgan asks. Since he’s been gone for ten years, he’s not tired of me yet. There’s no doubt in my mind that he will be at some point.

“Who cares? Take care of my dog, Morgan. I’m counting on you. I…” Don’t ask for things often…need to make sure she’s okay…don’t know how to reach out. I’m doing my best here.

Fortunately, Morgan doesn’t make me find words—something that’s not always easy for me to do. “We’ll make sure she’s taken care of, but I’m not just hanging you out to dry. What happened?”

Does it really matter? I’m always in the wrong, even when I’m not. But then, whose fault is it but mine? Yeah, the motherfucker I beat deserved it, but I could have found a better way to deal with it. My impulsivity is all on me. “Me.” I sigh. I happened. I always happen.

“I’ll call Archer,” I hear Dusty say in the background.

My heart rate spikes. I can’t figure out how Archer Thorn hasn’t gotten sick of me yet, why in the hell he wastes his time with me at all, other than him thinking it’s his job to fix the world. He thinks he let his cousin die when it wasn’t his fault, and now he’s trying to save me.

Why do I let him try?”

My Review of EASTON (Swift Brothers, #2) . . . HERE

Start reading today!
FREE in Kindle Unlimited

Add Easton to Goodreads:   

For more information about Riley Hart and her books, visit her website:

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

RELEASE BLITZ w/EXCERPT - CONTEMPORARY - VAUGHN (Broken Falls, #5) by Laramie Briscoe


Broken Falls, #5 
by Laramie Briscoe 
Release Date: September 28th, 2024 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

She looks around. "I forgot where we were, I'm glad you at least kept your head about you."

If she only knew, I'm ready to get her behind closed doors so that we can get to know one another in the carnal way I'd like. "I wouldn't say I kept my head about me, I'm just very motivated to get you alone, Val. Let's go."

Her lips part on a gasp when I reach down and put my hands at her hips, lifting her up and encouraging her to wrap her legs around my waist. My hands travel down to her ass, holding on tight as I walk us back to the stairs and then take them two at a time. Once we're back in the apartment, her gaze travels over to the stove.

"I was going to make us dinner..."

"Don't worry babe, I got everything I wanna eat right here."


My Review of VAUGHN (Broken Falls, #5) . . . HERE

Laramie Briscoe is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of over 30 books, with sales of over half a million copies.

Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie has appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Her books have been known to make readers laugh and cry. They are guaranteed to be emotional, steamy reads.

When she's not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on Netflix. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband.

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Friday, September 13, 2024

RELEASE BLITZ - PNR - BIG BAD BOSS: MATED (Big Bad Boss, #4) by Renee Rose & Lee Savino

Rule #4 of Wall Street: Keep your enemies close

Big Bad Boss: Mated, an all-new fated mates, billionaire, paranormal romance and a bonus story to the Werewolves of Wall Street Series from USA Today bestselling authors Renee Rose and Lee Savino is now available!

Start reading today!

Add Big Bad Boss: Mated to Goodreads:  

Keep Reading for a look inside Big Bad Boss: Mated!

I love how feral Brick gets, how desperate and dommy he becomes by the end of every day. I love knowing he needs to be inside me so badly he can’t wait until we get home. That he has to lock my office door, shove everything off my desk, and put his mouth between my legs before he can even think about driving me back to our penthouse.

Tonight is no exception. I had to stay late to prepare for a meeting with our French subsidiary tomorrow, so it’s 7:30 now. No one is left on the top floor where Eleanor and I run things.

Which is a good thing because if anyone were around, they would hear just how loudly Brick makes me scream when he’s this wound up.

He braces one hand against the windowpane beside my face and uses the other to hold my hips in place as he pounds into me. “I said, spread those legs, Ms. Evans.”

My Review of BIG BAD BOSS: MATED (Big Bad Boss, #4) . . . HERE

Start the Werewolves of Wall Street series today!

Big Bad Boss: Midnight:
Big Bad Boss: Moon Mad:  
Big Bad Boss: Marked:

For more information about Renee Rose and her books, visit her website:
For more information about Lee Savino and her books, visit her website:

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

2024 - 12th Annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon


12th Annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon
This year the annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon will begin at 12:01 am Thursday November 21st and will end Monday, December 2nd at 11:59 pm in your time zone. Giving us twelve days of fun.

Get your holiday & winter setting books and be prepared to have fun! Audiobooks, library books, ebooks, old books or new books we don’t care. Don’t forget the hot chocolate!

Host A Challenge
BE AN ELF: We need Challenges hosts. Please email me, if you’d like to host a challenge for the event. You will need to provide a small international prize. Create a festive puzzle, exchange recipes, create a spine poem, make a bingo board, a scavenger hunt, holiday movie trivia, Instagram Challenge or come up with your own clever idea.

Read-a-thon Rules & Guidelines
  • Link-up! It is unnecessary to link to goal post but of course we love them. You can link to the social media platform you will use to track your reading. This can be your blog, or a special Goodreads Shelf you create. Be sure to label the shelf hohohorat2024. You can use a social media account, but you’ll need to tag me and use hashtag #2024HoHoHoRAT. (I must be able to see it. So friend me there)
  • Declare your intentions on your blog or through social media. Be sure and link back to this HoHoHo Readathon Sign-up page. Linky will close November 29th, so be sure to link up, even if you will only take part for a few days.
  • Grab the image and share! Tell your friends, post the image and link on social media using X (Twitter), Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, Threads, and others. Be sure to include a link to this page, so others may join.
  • Take part in at least one challenge and complete two books to be eligible for grand prize.
  • Read or listen to as many Holiday or Winter themed books as you can from any genre. If you are unsure, contact me. Goodreads is an excellent source for finding Winter & Holiday reads. Ask your librarian.
  • Tweet your progress using #2024HoHoHoRAT
  • Challenge schedule and Grand Prize widget will post on Thursday November 21st at/by 8 am (EST)
  • Read-a-thon starts on Thursday, November 21st 12:01 am (your time zone) and ends on Monday, December 2nd, at 11:59 pm (your time zone)
  • Challenges will be open from 8 am (EST) on the 21st of November and stay open until Monday December 2nd, at 11:59 pm (EST)
  • Grand Prize Raffle will be open until December 3rd, 2024 at 11:59 pm (EST) to allow you to submit last minute entries. You will only be able to submit two books in a twenty-four-hour period.
  • All winners of challenges and the grand prize will be notified by December 5, 2024.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024



A Dangerous Man
Appalachian Star, #8 
(Special Forces Operation Alpha)
by Deanndra Hall 
Release Date: September 10th 2024 
Genre: Romantic Suspense 

She’s headstrong and independent. He’s determined and dangerous. Is their love a disaster … or their salvation?



I’m a murderer, and I own that. I’ve paid my debt to society, but what I did is a stain on my soul that will leave me forever unworthy of anything good. So I’m surprised when a couple of nights with FBI Agent Sela Baldwin when she’s here at the farm guarding Natalie leaves me longing for more time with her. She’s stuck in rehab from her injuries and mad as a hornet, but my offer for her to live with me and explore our relationship is surprisingly well-received. We settle in, only to find that the cartel still has a mark on Sela and Natalie, and it’ll take all of my friends from App STAR, Citadel Security, and the Eagle Point Search and Rescue teams to keep them safe—if Sela will just cooperate. I swear, that woman is her own worst enemy!



They might call him Bear, but he’s a wildcat in the sack. I think about those hands and that body constantly while I’m trapped in the rehab facility, planning my escape and furious that the bureau doesn’t think I can do my job. I don’t connect with people emotionally, but when I discover he’s been in an accident, I’m terrified. As soon as he asks me to move out to the farm with him, I realize being on the disabled list will give us time to maybe have an actual relationship. His openness and honesty give me hope, and I’m surprised at myself and how fast I start to trust him and care for him. There’s just one problem. The cartel is still after Natalie and me, and no matter what Bear says, I’ve never trusted a man to take care of me. Is my Dangerous Man dangerous enough to get the job done, or will I have to do it myself?

Come to the hills and hollers of eastern Kentucky and get acquainted with eight of the most determined men you’ll ever meet in the Appalachian STAR series.


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