Wednesday, May 1, 2024

COMING ... #JIAM Audiobook Mini-Challenge

Complete at least one challenge to enter giveaway. See rules listed below.
Finish/Start a series in a month. (listen to at least 3 audiobooks in a series)
Love your Library (listen to 3 audiobooks from your local library)
Let there be Monsters (listen to 3 audiobooks with monsters/paranormal elements)
Going the Distance (listen to 3 audiobooks over 12 hours each)
Tackle your Audiobook TBR Pile (listen to 3 audiobooks you already own)

Challenge runs from June 1, 2024 through June 30th. Rafflecopter will close July 2, 2024. Winners will be announced on July 5, 2024. Rafflecopter start up post and prize details will post on June 1, 2024.
To enter, you must complete one challenge. You can complete more than one for extra entries, but no audiobook title can be used twice.
Audiobooks must be a minimum of 4 hours in length.
Audiobooks count towards your 2024 Audiobook Challenge goals and can be used for other challenges.
Declare your intentions by posting a blog post or sharing on social media. Link back to this sign up post. Let’s get everyone listening in June! #JIAMAudiobookChallenge
Sign up below and link to your declaration post, blog, social media site, or Goodreads. Wherever you plan to track your progress.

Sign-up HERE

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